Tuesday 17 May 2011

Once upon a time...

...there was a boy and a girl and a guy who was a bit of both, who all went to the Nottingham University. They were all a bit bored during exam season, so they grabbed some colourful paraphernalia and trekked off to the library (which was conveniently open all hours). It was there that they climbed to the highest point, laid out their Twister mat and began to shout out (quietly - it was in a library) colours and appendages to their hearts content.
It was then that the girl got a face full of crotch and the girl/boy got a crotch full of face, and we've never looked back...

Unfortunately we were unable to get photos of the birth of FFOC since we had the idea afterwards, but I do have a photo of some our other antics that evening, namely inflatable-flamingo-ball-pit-ball-bookend-croquet.